"Olbia w okresie huńskim" konferencja 5-6.11.2021

W dniach 5 i 6 listopada 2021 odbędzie się międzynarodowa konferencja w trybie on-line poświęcona podsumowaniu rezultatów prac wykopaliskowych polskiej misji w Olbii i próby ich interpretacji w szerszym kontekście historycznym. 
Konferencja jest organizowana wspólnie przez Instytut Archeologii NAN Ukrainy i Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN.
Link do wydarzenia na FB
Program konferencji


The conference is planned in an online formula. The conference proceedings will be recorded for later publication.


November 5

9.00–9.30 Opening of the conference. 

9.30–13.00 Morning session

9.30–10.00 Introductory remarks

Around Olbia
10.00–10.30 Jochen Fornassier (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Institut für Kunstgeschichte und Archäologien Europas Seminar für Klassische Archäologie) 
Scythian-Olbian relationships in the 5th century BCE – revaluation of an old scientific controversy on the basis of the current results of excavations in Olbia Pontica

10.30–11.00 Marcin Matera (Faculty of Archaeology UW, Warsaw)
New data on the death of Tanis in the middle (?) of the 3rd century AD

11.00-11.30 Oleg Savelyev (Institute of Archaeology NAS of Ukraine, Kiev)
Tyras in the late antique era

11.30–12.00 Askold Ivanchik (Institute "Ausonius", CNRS, Bordeaux, France / Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia / Center for Classical and Oriental Archaeology, University HSE, Moscow, Russia)
The Roman military presence in Tyras and Olbia in the light of epigraphic data

12.00–12.30 Roman Kozlenko (Olbia National Historical and Archaeological Reserve “Olbia” NAS of Ukraine, Parutino)
Olbia and the Sarmatians

12.30–13.00 Discussion

13.00–13.30 break

13.30–16.00 Afternoon session

Overview of selected categories of monuments
13.30–14.00 Maria Novichenkova (Institute of Archaeology NAS of Ukraine, Kiev)
Metal objects from the R-23 excavation area in Olbia Pontica (2016–2018, 2021): Classical, Roman and Chernyakhov culture periods

14.00–14.30 Piotr Jaworski (Faculty of Archaeology UW, Warsaw)
The final stage of coin circulation in Olbia from the perspective of the finds from trench R-23 in the so-called Roman Citadel

14.30–15.00 Kirill Myzgin (Faculty of Archaeology UW, Warsaw)
Roman coins in the north-western Black Sea region: the Chernyakhiv culture perspective

15.00–15.30 Alisa Semenova (Institute of Archaeology NAS of Ukraine, Kiev)
Composite antler combs from Olbia

15.30–16.00 Discussion



November 6

9.00–13.30 Morning session

Categories of monuments
09.00–09.30 Olga Puklina (National Museum of the History of Ukraine, Kiev)
Glassware from excavations at the sector R-23 of Pontic Olbia

09.30–10.00 Irina Sheiko (Institute of Archaeology NAS of Ukraine, Kiev)
Recent finds of lamps from Olbia

10.30–11.00 - Serhii Didenko (National Museum of the History of Ukraine, Kiev)
Ceramic complex of the late Roman horizon from the R-23 sector in Olbia

11.00-11.30 - Krzysztof Domżalski (Institute of Archeology i Ethnology PAS, Warsaw)
Red slip pottery in Hunnic time Olbia

Faunal remains
11.30–12.00 Evgeniya Yanish (I.I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology NAS of Ukraine, Kiev)
Animals in the life of the inhabitants of Olbia in the Hunnic period: results of archeozoological research

12.00–13.30 Discussion

13.30–14.00 Break

14.00–17.00 Afternoon session

The role of Olbia in the Hunnic period
14.00–14.30 Oleg Petrauskas (Institute of Archaeology NAS of Ukraine, Kiev)
Chernyakhov culture and the Huns (based on materials from archaeological sites in Ukraine)

14.30–15.00 Roman Reida (Institute of Archaeology NAS of Ukraine, Kiev, co-authors: A. Heiko. A. Sapehin) 
The left-bank of the Dnieper River in Hunnic times

15.00–15.30 Boris Magomedov (Institute of Archaeology NAS of Ukraine, Kiev)
The last period in the history of Olbia: the first city of the Goths

15.30–16.00 Alla Buiskikh (Institute of Archaeology NAS of Ukraine, Kiev)
About building activity in late antique Olbia

16.00–16.30 Alfred Twardecki (Institute of Archeology and Ethnology PAS, Warsaw)
Olbia in the Hunnic time - a historical perspective

16.30–17.00 Discussion and summing up the conference results